Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zombie day 5.

Last night I tried to drain the pasta (okay fine, it was macaroni and cheese) with the dust pan.

Not on purpose.

I'm a zombie.


  1. What? Are you really not going to explain more about this? Really?
    At least the boiling water should kill the germies:)

  2. Hey, it's probably cleaner than the strainer. My kids play with it on their heads, outside and who knows where else and then put it back in the cupboard. At least you know where the dust pan has been and what has been on it. :)

    Mmm, mac and cheese, makes me hungry just reading it.

  3. I thought that was so funny when I read it, that I forwarded it to Matt. I think we all have moments when our minds are in a fog. You are so very funny.

  4. I am soooo there with you girl! The other day I went to drop the kids off as usual pulled out of the parking lot and was wakened from my stuper with "why didn't you drop us off mom" Talk about going through the motions!
