Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Nuggets

Today I decided to take my trusty camera out and about with me to capture the things that are making me mucho gladdo. It's true, I'm bilingual. So feast your eyes on my first ever photomentary.

First of all I have to mention that ITS ABOUT TIME I get to wear this shirt. It has been nicely folded in my drawer for 4, that's correct, 4 years. First I was too pregnant, then I was too fat, then I was too barfing (again, pregnant), and I finally finally I fit into this shirt! Hooray! Also I'd like to add that this is the first time in a solid week I've had a full shower/dressed/makeup combo. I feel great! Ready to meet the world!Okay next up, the clouds are clearing. There was a freak hail storm with very loud thunder and lightning on the way to drop the kids at school this morning. It was awesome. Just as I get out of the van with two large jack o lanterns in my arms, it starts pouring and pelting us. The thunder cracks and 100+ little school kids shriek and run for the door. Good times. But on the way home the clouds were moving out. Fingers crossed that we'll be able to trick or treat dry tonight.
Then I was about out of gas and pulled into the local station to this lovely sight:I love love love that little '1'. I know that rationally this is only 1 tenth of a penny away from 2 dollars a gallon. But oh how that little tenth doth sooth my soul.

And let's all join together in song to welcome Target to the land where Walmart reigns supreme! No offense, dearest Walmart. I really appreciate that you let me return the stuff I decide I don't like as much as I did when I was in the store. For that, you will continue to be my #1. However, competion (and cute things) are sorely needed and I cannot tell you how excited I am to see this open soon. Hip Hip!

And of course these amazing leaves. Every morning we drive by them and they honestly take my breath away. For you locals, they are on Oak streat right off of 8th. So beautiful.Leaves on the street.

Happy Halloween everybody!


  1. Maren, thank you. I'm so homesick for Rogers it's not funny. I LOVED seeing the little local tidbits! Your hair is getting long again!! I'm starting to get the urge to whack mine super short again... we'll see. Oh, and SOOOO jealous about the gas. $2.60 something here.

  2. O.k. two things, no three things make me totally jealous from your pics. Uno: your awesome curly locks, Dos: the 1.99 gas, wow! Tres: the amazing fall leaves.
    And that's all I have to say about that!

  3. wow- those fall leaves are just about the best I've ever seen...and gas prices? Definitely a relief. Wow. It was nearing $5/gallon here for a long time and I'm super happy to see it down again. I think I'd squeal too if I saw the 1.999.

    And definitely agree that there are cute things at did they manage to butt in that town anyway?

  4. Funny. I was going to take a picture of the gas prices too, just to people would believe it, and so I can remember when it goes back up. And I'm LOVING the leaves here too!

  5. Maren you look really pretty and that is SUCH a Maren look! I love it. Pretty pictures!
