It's full of wonder and surprises.
Frootloops and popcorn and Shrek before bedtime.
Keeping watch over a de-nested baby bird and its fearless mama.
Hotdogs and name-brand potato chips and hunkering down in the bathroom with sleeping bags over our heads during tornado warnings.
It'll be hard to beat it next year.
We drove to Arkansas under the guise of picking up our fridge and backyard swingset before we close on the house in a few weeks. So, we thought we'd stay a couple days and enjoy Grandma Jean and Grandpa Joe.
After the reading was done, we that Grandma could finish hiding her eggs.
Grandma was at the ready to give helpful hints to the underdog.
Even Anna had to work for her treats.
Soon we had all settled in for the sorting of the loot and the counting of the eggs.
Happy Easter!